
The Club is named after Brig-Gen Adair.

Brig-Gen Adair was the youngest Provincial Grand Master for Somerset.

This is why his name is associated with the Somerset Light Blues – in that it is for the younger brethren, not just in age but in the time spent in Freemasonry.



Brig-Gen Adair Appointed PGM for Somerset

He was appointed in 1863 at the age of 34 and he was also PGM for the Mark Degree and MEGS in Royal Arch.

He was an eminent Knight in Knights Templar and was a Provincial Prior Nominate until his
death in 1889


The Adair Club is Founded - 2014

The Adair Club was founded in 2014 by Sam Mayer and Dave Gleeson with the blessing/guidance of province.

The Adair club was setup as a club within Somerset Masonry for junior members or those new to masonry.  It is not a lodge, but more of an informal association which aims to support newer members to settle into and get the most out of their masonry.  The activities of the club are often social in nature, but it is also a platform to increase and encourage masonic knowledge and education.


Adair Club Host National Conference

The Club was proud to host the 2016 New and Young Masons Club National Conference which was attended by delegates from all over the country.


Tercentenary celebrations

In 2017 as part of the Tercentenary celebrations, we hosted a reception with Sir David Wootton, the then Assistant Grand Master.


Adair Club Become 'Light Blue"

More recently the Club has become a “Light Blue” club, meaning that it’s membership is intended to be those who are yet to receive provincial rank which allows them to wear a dark blue apron.


The club was setup with the support of province and is one of many New and Young Masons Clubs in England and Wales.


Mike Norton Elected Chair

At the AGM on 7th April Mike Norton was elected the new Chairman of the Adair Club. Craig Harding was elected Secretary and Tom Beasley the Membership Officer.